Free Ichigo vs Byakuya OG Twixtor Clips For Editing (HD)

Looking for high quality anime clips for your edits?
If yes then congratulations you’ve came to one of the best resources available on internet because you will definitely be satisfied with the selection and quality of the clips.
Finding the perfect clips while there are hundreds of more clips available on the platform is a long process that’s why I have made the work easier by including the best anime clips.
Hello everyone, I am ‘Hii Twixtor’ – youtuber with 200k+ subscribers and also editor. I have been making twixtors for more than 3+ years and have a great expertise in this field. The main purpose of making twixtor clips is so that every editor can follow their passion without any obstacles.
Twixtor is a effect and a plugin which is used in After Effects. It is used to create super slow motion for any video regardless of their framerate.
You might be thinking how does twixtor makes any video slow while maintaining smoothness?
So what twixtor does is that it creates frames in your video which automatically makes your video go from low frame rate to high frame rate but the results may vary from video-to-video. Also recently twixtor came into limelight and it got really popular on social media especially editors on tiktok using twixtor on their anime clips and also using a 4k cc.
Ichigo vs Byakuya
As the ground beneath Byakuya is torn apart by Ichigo’s subsequent overhead strike with Zangetsu, a section of the ground is eventually overturned by the force of Ichigo and Byakuya’s blows. Byakuya notices that Ichigo has mastered Shunpo after they split up and return to standing on separate pieces of ground. He starts to downplay this, but Ichigo cuts him off by making a remark about how cool-headed he is and saying that Byakuya acting like he is not a threat is just an act before reminding Byakuya of his promise to kill Ichigo. Ichigo reiterates Byakuya’s threat to murder him and have Rukia killed himself while pointing out that Byakuya has not even wounded him yet and asking to see his Bankai. Byakuya then releases his Bankai and to keep up with him Ichigo does the same. The battle becomes very intense and so the destruction. In the middle of the fight when Byakuya seems to be dominating, Ichigo loses his consciousness and Hollow Ichigo takes his place. Byakuya gets shocked as he has not seen someone with this crooked abilty although Ichigo gains his senses again. Now they both release their final power attack facing each other but in the end Ichigo wins the fight.
- Fight – Ichigo vs Byakuya
- Anime – Bleach
- Clips – S1
- Type – Twixtor + Time-Remap
- Quality – 1080p
- Link – Google Drive