TwixtorAnime ClipsTokyo Revengers Clips
Free Kazutora Hanemiya Twixtor Clips For Editing (1080p)

Kazutora Hanemiya
In a situation of marital violence, Kazutora was forced to choose between his mother and father as a child. He hated other happy families as a result of his inherently non-existent family life. Something as basic as seeing youngsters sharing sensitive moments with their parents angered Kazutora greatly.
He was very loyal to Tokyo Manji Gang and Mikey and strived to make him happy at all costs, even resorting to unhealthy and downright criminal methods such as theft, it is likely that his deep attachment to Tokyo Manji Gang was rooted in solace from his solitude, and he was in fact very loyal to Tokyo Manji Gang and Mikey and strived to make him happy at all costs, even resorting to unhealthy and downright criminal methods such as theft.
- Character – Kazutora Hanemiya
- Anime – Tokyo Revengers
- Clips – S1
- Type – Twixtor
- Quality – 1080p
- Link – Google Drive