TwixtorAnime Clips
Free Ray Twixtor Clips For Editing (1080p)

Ray, along with Norman, is a deuteragonist in The Promised Neverland.
Ray is a model Grace Field House student who always receives flawless results on his daily exams. He’s also noted for being a voracious reader with strong intellectual ability, as well as stark scepticism and cunning. Despite his distant demeanour, Ray gets along well with the orphans and is particularly loyal and loving to Emma and Norman.
Ray, along with Norman and Emma, is regarded one of Grace Field House’s three “Premium quality goods” since he is one of the sharpest children in Grace Field.
Ray now seeks William Minerva, whom he believes will grant him his wish after escaping Grace Field with Emma and 13 other orphans.
- Character – Ray
- Anime – The Promised Neverland
- Clips – S1 + S2
- Type – Twixtor
- Quality – 1080p
- Link – Google Drive