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Free Neji Hyuga Twixtor Clips For Editing (1080p)

Neji Hyuga
Neji was a sweet child who liked to smile; on Hinata’s third birthday, he told his father that he thought she was cute. After his father died, he lost these attributes, becoming solemn and chilly, and more mature than most his age. For years, he was consumed by the fatalistic conviction that his and everyone else’s fortunes were predetermined from birth and could not be changed. He saw himself as a rare skill, which caused him to arrogantly elevate himself above people he considers to be “weaker” than himself. He also believed that his abilities would always be limited by his obligatory duty to the Hyga’s main house, which he despised and increased his hatred towards the main house and its members.
- Character – Neji Hyuga
- Anime – Naruto
- Clips – All Seasons
- Type – Twixtor
- Quality – 1080p
- Link – Google Drive