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Free Rock Lee Twixtor Clips For Editing (1080p)

Rock Lee
Lee has taken on many of his sensei’s personality attributes under Guy’s guidance: he is active, cheerful, and hot-blooded, and he is the definition of a “good guy.” He believes that one cannot detest food and is extremely committed to his commitments; when this promise is breached, he assigns himself difficult training to ensure that it does not happen again. Lee always addresses individuals with suitable honorifics and never uses abbreviations or swear words when speaking to them (except his teammates, since Lee feels they are close enough to be spoken to informally). He also has a little book and a pencil with him to help him remember the counsel Guy has given him throughout time.
- Character – Rock Lee
- Anime – Naruto
- Clips – All Seasons + Boruto
- Type – Twixtor
- Quality – 1080p
- Link – Google Drive